Friday, May 3, 2013

May 2013 (Sundays)

Teachers Only:
First of all, thank you soooo much for all that you do! We are training up the next generation of Christians in this classroom and it is such an honor to work along side each of you! Your dedication and commitment does not go un-noticed!!!

This month we are talking to the kids about the story of Noah’s Ark. This is a super fun story! There are so many fun ideas to bring this story to life. The part that we want to bring home to these kids is that “God keeps His promises” God promised Noah that He would establish a covenant with him. He gave us a sign of His promise in the rainbow that He would never flood the entire earth again. This month I encourage you, wherever you are at in life, to stand on a promise of God for your situation. If your struggling with sickness, stand on God’s promise in Deuteronomy 7:15 and Isaiah 53. If you are struggling with finances claim Luke 6:38. If you are struggling with self-worth try 2 Cor 3:5 and Psalm 139. Whatever it may be, stand on God’s promises, because “God keeps His promises!”

Before teaching this month, please familiarize yourself with the following verses (and those surrounding them): Deuteronomy 7:9, Genesis 5:32-10:1

- Katrina

Lord, Thank you that you do keep Your promises! I stand on the promises in Your Word for my life and for the lives of these children. I ask You, Lord, to direct me as I minister Your Word to these kids, I claim no competence in myself, but my competence comes from You (2 Cor 3:5). I thank You for each child that You would send to the classroom this week. I call them in from the North, South, East and West. I ask You to show them each to me as through Your eyes, each child fearfully and wonderfully made. I lack wisdom, Lord, and I ask you to give me supernatural Wisdom in every situation and circumstance and throughout the class. Thank you so much for entrusting me and enabling me. In Jesus name, Amen.

8:00-8:30-     Prayer for all children’s ministers in Speedway.

8:35-               Class opens (get breakfast options out and ready as well as a pitcher of water)
8:45-               Organized activities.
                                    Head Teacher- Check-in
                        Assistant Teacher 1- set up an activity (puzzles, potato heads, play dough, etc) at a table and keep children sitting and engaged throughout check-in.
                        Assistant Teacher 2- set up an activity (puzzles, potato heads, play dough, etc) at a table and keep children sitting and engaged throughout check-in
9:05 (11:05)             Story/Felt Board
Head Teacher- Have half of the class sit with you and simply read this weeks Bible story out of the Bible. Emphasize the main point, “God is good, the devil is bad.” Multiple times.
Assistant Teacher 1- Have half of the class sit with you and use the felt board to tell the story. Allow each child to hold one felt piece and add it at the appropriate time in the story.
Assistant Teacher 2- Going back and forth between the two stations, help to keep the kids seated and under control. If there is a crying child pull them aside and love on them. Try reading a story or building a tower quietly and out of site of the other children. Your job is to maintain order and help the small group teachers in any way.
9:10 (11:10)             Felt Board/Story
Work together in an orderly manner to have the kids switch tables. Whichever kids were just reading the story now switch to the felt board and vice versa.

9:15 (11:15)             Praise and Worship
Have all the kids join you in front of the screen and encourage them to sing along, even if they don’t know the words. Help them to lift their hands and simply say “Jesus”

9:20 (11:20)             Snack/Potty Break
Head Teacher- Take any potty trainers to the bathroom  (you can use the ladies restroom or the nursery restroom)
Assistant Teacher 1- Help the kids to get their chairs and scoot into a table (depending on the number of kids you may need to use multiple tables)
Assistant Teacher 2- Grab snack and cups from todays box and a pitcher of water and pass out snack.
9:30 (11:30)             2nd Story/ play dough / craft
Head teacher- pull children aside 1 or 2 at a time to complete today’s craft. As you make the craft have them repeat today’s main point multiple times, “God is good, the devil is bad”
Assistant Teacher 1- 2nd Story Pass out Bibles and pictures of Jesus.
-Hold up picture of Jesus, “Who is this?” “That’s right, Jesus! Let’s all give Jesus a hug. Say, I love you Jesus! Tell Jesus thank you for loving you too!”
-Hold up Bible, “What is this?” “That’s right, it’s our Bible! Let’s all hug our Bibles! We LOVE God’s Word!”
-Sing Jesus loves me while hugging Bibles and pictures of Jesus. Repeat the main point (God keeps His promises!)
-retell the story and ask the kids questions.
Assistant Teacher 2- Set up play dough at a table with the rest of the kids. Engage and keep them seated. Repeat today’s main point, “God keeps His promises”
 9:40 (11:40) play dough/story/craft

Head Teacher- continue working with 1- 2 kids at a time on craft
                        Assistant Teacher 1- working together switch groups with assistant teacher 2. Repeat what you did with the last group.
Assisstant Teacher 2- working together switch groups with assistant teacher 1. Again play with play dough with your new group continually repeating and having them repeat the main point “God is good, the devil is bad.
9:50 (11:50)             Free Play
The kids have undoubtedly had enough sitting! Let them play and work out some energy! Head Teacher- now is a great time to take potty trainers again!
10:15 (12:15)                       Mat Time
Have all the kids lay on mats and wind down watching  a movie.  If you run out of mats you can also have them sit in chairs.
10:30-11:00- Check out/ 2nd Service check-in
Head Teacher- Check out first service kids and check in second service kids. Hand out parent letters to those checking out.
                        Assistant Teacher 1- working together have the kids who are checking in join you watching the movie and have those who are checking out stay seated until their parents arrive.
Assisstant Teacher 2- working together have the kids who are checking in join you watching the movie and have those who are checking out stay seated until their parents arrive.
11:05              Start back over!!!